Barcha Videolar Latest Most Popular Episode Clips The Widows Mite - The Salvation Poem The message of Christ's love for each of us set to scenes of the Superbook episode “The Widows Mite”. The Widow Gives Two Mites Jesus acknowledges that the widow has given more than everyone else. Jesus Prophecies About the Temple Jesus shares a prophecy about the temple with his disciples. Bring Ten Percent Into the Storehouse The book Malachi says to bring bring ten percent into the storehouse. Superbook Hero Profile - Young David Learn about young David in his Superbook Hero Profile video. Heroes of the Bible - The Salvation Poem The message of Christ's love for each of us set to scenes of the Superbook episode “Heroes of the Bible”. Doubting Thomas - The Salvation Poem The message of Christ's love for each of us set to scenes of the Superbook episode “Doubting Thomas”. Thomas Sees and Believes Thomas sees the resurrected Jesus and believes. Thomas Doubts Thomas expresses how he must touch Jesus’ wounds before he believes that Jesus has been resurrected. Jesus Appears to His Disciples After his resurrection, Jesus appears to some of his disciples. The Road to Emmaus Jesus appears to two of his disciples on the road to Emmaus. Centurion Paid To Lie The High Priest pays the Centurion to tell a false story about Jesus’ empty tomb. Love Your Enemies - The Salvation Poem The message of Christ's love for each of us set to scenes of the Superbook episode “Love Your Enemies”. Stephen Forgives Stephen forgives those who killed him. Stephen Shares Before the Sanhedrin Stephen shares about Jesus being the son of God before the Sanhedrin. Jesus Forgives Jesus forgives those who killed him. Judas Betrays Judas betrays Jesus with a kiss. Chris and Joy Make a Presentation Chris and Joy present a case for believing in God. Paul Meets Aquila and Priscilla Paul travels to Corinth where he meets Aquila and Priscilla. Paul and the Unknown God - The Salvation Poem The message of Christ's love for each of us set to scenes of the Superbook episode “Paul and the Unknown God”. Paul Preaches in Athens Paul shares about Jesus in the Athenian Areopagus. Paul Keeps the Faith - The Salvation Poem The message of Christ's love for each of us set to scenes of the Superbook episode “Paul Keeps the Faith”. Paul Fought the Good Fight Paul dictates a letter for Timothy from his prison cell in Rome. Rescued! - The Salvation Poem The message of Christ's love for each of us set to scenes of the Superbook episode “Rescued!”. Mateo Encounters Daniel and the Lion’s Den Superbook takes Mateo to witness God miraculously save Daniel from the lion’s den. Mateo Encounters Jonah and the Great Fish Superbook takes Mateo to see Jonah repent and survive the Great Fish. Mateo Encounters Shadrach, Meschach, and Abednego Superbook takes Mateo to watch God rescue Shadrach, Meschach, and Abednego from the fiery furnace. Pharaoh's Daughter and Jochebed Part 2 Pharaoh's Daughter and Jochebed Part 1 Jesus - Friend of Sinners - The Salvation Poem The message of Christ's love for each of us set to scenes of the Superbook episode “Jesus - Friend of Sinners”. The Sinful Woman A woman washes Jesus feet with her hair, tears, and rare perfume. The Call of Matthew Jesus tells Matthew to follow him and become his disciple. The Parable of the Great Feast An overview of the Great Feast parable. Jesus Teaches About Humility Jesus teaches Pharisees about humility. Baptized! - The Salvation Poem The message of Christ's love for each of us set to scenes of the Superbook episode “Baptized!”. Chris, Joy, and Ellie Get Baptized Chris, Joy, and Ellie get baptized and become followers of Jesus. Ellie Declares Jesus is The Son of God After witnessing Jesus heal many followers, Ellie declares Jesus is the Son of God. Peter Becomes a Fisher of Men Peter shares how a miraculous fish catch, helped propel himself, John, and James into becoming followers of Jesus. Philip and Nathanael Share Philip and Nathanael share how they became followers of Jesus. Isaiah - The Salvation Poem The message of Christ's love for each of us set to scenes of the Superbook episode “Isaiah”. King Hezekiah Prays and Isaiah Prophecies King Hezekiah prays for Judah and Isaiah shares how God will deliver them from the Assyrians. Isaiah Shares a Message From God Isaiah shares a message from God about King Sennacherib. The Rabshakeh Confronts King Sennacherib sends The Rabshekah to intimidate and threaten the King Hezekiah and God’s people. Isaiah Called to Be a Prophet Isaiah shares how God called him to be a prophet. A House on Solid Rock Jesus says whoever hears and does what he teaches is wise. Sermon on the Mount - The Salvation Poem The message of Christ's love for each of us set to scenes of the Superbook episode “Sermon on the Mount”. Sermon on the Mount Montage Listeners are captivated by Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount. Disciples Discuss the Sermon on the Mount The disciples discuss how to live out what Jesus shared in the Sermon on the Mount. Centurions Servant Healed A Centurion asks Jesus to heal his servant. Because of the Centurion’s faith, Jesus heals the servant without even visiting him. Zacchaeus - The Salvation Poem The message of Christ's love for each of us set to scenes of the Superbook episode “Zacchaeus”. Zacchaeus Climbs a Tree Zacchaeus climbs a tree so he can see Jesus. Joy Accepts Jesus Into Her Life Joy decides to follow Jesus and accept Him into his life. Salvation Comes to the House of Zacchaeus Zacchaeus’ life is changed by Jesus and pledges to make up for his past trespasses. Nicodemus - The Salvation Poem The message of Christ's love for each of us set to scenes of the Superbook episode “Nicodemus”. Chris Accepts Jesus Into His Life Chris decides to follow Jesus and accept Him into his life. Jesus Speaks With Nicodemus Jesus shares with Nicodemus about being born again. Jesus Heals on the Sabbath Jesus upsets the Pharisees by healing a man on the Sabbath. The Promise Of A Child - The Salvation Poem The message of Christ's love for each of us set to scenes of the Superbook episode “The Promise of a Child”. The Promise Of A Child Performed Chris, Joy, and Gizmo sing “The Promise of a Child.” Mary And Gabriel Revisited Chris, Joy, and Gizmo revisit when the angel Gabriel visited Mary. David Versus Goliath Revisited Chris, Joy, and Gizmo revisit the battle between David and Goliath. From Abraham to David Chris, Joy, and Gizmo revisit the stories of Abraham, Moses, Ruth, and more. Revisiting Eden Chris, Joy, and Gizmo revisit Eden and the Serpent’s deceit. The Birth of Moses - The Salvation Poem Soldiers Hunt for Hebrew Baby Boys Soldiers hunt for Hebrew baby boys. Pharaoh's Decree The Pharaoh makes a decree to kill the Hebrew baby boys. Pharaoh's Daughter Meets Jochebed Pharaoh's daughter meets Jochebed. Moses in the Nile Baby Moses is placed in the Nile and discovered by the Pharaoh's daughter. Philip - The Salvation Poem The message of Christ's love for each of us set to scenes of the Superbook episode "Philip." Simon the Sorcerer meets Philip Simon the Sorcerer meets Philip. Philip Baptizes Philip Baptizes Ethiopian Eunuch. Peter Confronts Simon the Sorcerer Peter Confronts Simon the Sorcerer. Disciples Pray Disciples pray for Samaritans. Paul and Barnabas - The Salvation Poem The message of Christ's love for each of us set to scenes of the Superbook episode "Paul and Barnabas." Paul and Barnabas Split Ways Paul’s unwillingness to let John Mark travel with them, leads to Paul and Barnabas going on separate journeys. Paul and Barnabas in Lystra Paul and Barnabas share the Gospel in Lystra leading to Paul being stoned. John Mark Leaves, Barnabas Defends Paul John Mark decides not to journey with Paul and Barnabas. Sergius Paulus Believes Governor Sergius Paulus becomes a follower of Jesus. Gamaliel Warns Council Gamaliel warns Council not to take action against the disciples. Jesus in the Wilderness - The Salvation Poem The message of Christ's love for each of us set to scenes of the Superbook episode “Jesus in the Wilderness”. Angels Revive Jesus Angels revive Jesus after he withstands the temptations of Satan. Jump From The Temple Satan tempts Jesus to jump off of the temple. Giving All Kingdoms Satan tempts Jesus by offering all of the kingdoms of the world. Turn Stones Into Bread Satan tempts Jesus to turn stones into bread. Jesus Is Found Joseph and Mary find Jesus teaching in the temple. Jesus Left Behind Joseph and Mary discover Jesus is missing. Jesus Feeds the Hungry - The Salvation Poem The message of Christ's love for each of us. Jesus Feeds Five Thousand Jesus feeds over five thousand people with 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish. Water into Wine Jesus turns water into wine at a wedding in Cana. Jeremiah - The Salvation Poem The message of Christ's love for each of us. Jeremiah Freed When Jeremiah is released to Gedaliah. Jeremiah Pulled From Cistern With Ebed-Melech’s help, Jeremiah is freed from a cistern. Hananiah’s False Prophecy And Death Hananiah’s false prophecy leads to his death. Jeremiah Released From Prison Jeremiah is released from prison. Jeremiah Arrested And Beaten Pashhur the priest has Jeremiah arrested and beaten. The Potter And Clay Jeremiah likens Israel’s relationship with God to clay in a Potter’s hands. Jeremiah Preaches Jeremiah exhorts the Hebrews to repent and turn to God. God Visits Jeremiah God appoints Jeremiah a prophet of Israel. Teach Us to Pray - Salvation Poem The message of Christ's love for each of us. Jesus Teaches His Disciples How To Pray Jesus teaches his disciples how to pray. The Disciples Return to Jesus The disciples return to Jesus and share their amazing results. Jesus Sends Out His Disciples Jesus sends disciples to different towns to share about the love of God. Mustard Seed Faith Jesus tells his disciples they can move mountains. Jesus Heals Demon-Possessed Boy Jesus heals a demon-possessed boy after his disciples’ attempts failed. The Transfiguration Jesus meets with Moses and Elijah to the astonishment of his disciples. Elijah and the Widow - Salvation Poem The message of Christ's love for each of us. Elijah Raises the Dead Elijah prays for the widow’s dead son and he comes back to life. Widow Makes Elijah Bread The poor widow makes Elijah some bread and receives a miracle. Elijah Asks Widow for Bread Elijah asks a poor widow for some bread. Elijah Hears From the Lord God tells Elijah to go to Zarephath. Birds Deliver Food to Elijah God sends birds to feed Elijah during the famine. Joshua and Caleb - Salvation Poem The message of Christ's love for each of us. Joshua and Caleb in Promised Land Joshua and Caleb, the only of their generation to enter the Promised Land. Spies Report and Moses Intercedes for Israel The spies report about the Promised Land and Moses intercedes with God for Israel. Twelve Spies Explore the Promised Land The twelve spies explore the bountiful Promised Land and avoid the Anakite giants. Moses Chooses the Twelve Spies Moses chooses twelve spies to scout out the Promised Land. Solomon's Temple - Salvation Poem The message of Christ's love for each of us. The Temple Dedicated King Solomon dedicates the completed temple. Solomon Anointed King High Priest Zadok anoints Solomon King of Israel. Bathsheba Approaches King David Bathsheba approaches King David about Solomon being named king. Adonijah Wants To Be King Adonijah encourages the Israelites to back him as king. King David Tells Solomon About The Temple King David tells Solomon that he will build the temple. Jesus Heals the Blind - Salvation Poem The message of Christ's love for each of us. Declaring Jesus The Son Of Man The healed blind man declares that Jesus is the Son of Man. Pharisees Throw Healed Man Out The Pharisees throw the healed blind man out of the temple. Jesus Heals A Man Born Blind Jesus heals a man born blind. Jesus Heals Blind Bartimaeus The words of Jesus heal a blind man named Bartimaeus. Peter Declares Jesus The Messiah Peter declares that Jesus is the Messiah. Jesus Teaches The Crowd Jesus shares with the crowd the importance of following him. Paul Baptizing The Jailer Paul baptizes the Jailer. Peters Escape - The Salvation Poem Music Video Peter Escapes From Prison Peter escapes from prison. Believers Pray For Peter Christian believers pray for Peter’s release from prison. King Herod Agrippa Decides To Arrest Peter King Herod Agrippa decides to have Peter arrested. Peter Heals A Lame Beggar Peter heals a lame beggar by praying to Jesus. Paul and Silas - Salvation Poem The message of Christ's love for each of us set to scenes of the Superbook episode “Paul and Silas" Paul Baptizes The Jailer Paul baptizes the Jailer. Paul And Silas Experience An Earthquake Paul and Silas experience an earthquake in jail, but decide not to escape. Paul And The Fortune Teller Paul receives a vision encouraging him to visit Macedonia. Pauls Macedonian Vision Paul receives a vision encouraging him to visit Macedonia. Paul Baptizes Lydia Paul receives a vision encouraging him to visit Macedonia. Peter and Cornelius - The Salvation Poem The message of the love of Christ for each of us. Peter Explains Actions To The Disciples Peters explains that the Gospel is meant for everyone. Peter Visits Cornelius Peter shares the Gospel with Cornelius and his friends. Peter Greets Cornelius’ Messenger Peter welcomes the messenger sent by Cornelius. Peter’s Vision Peter receives a vision from God about the Gentiles. Cornelius Visited By An Angel While praying, Cornelius receives a visit from an angel. Lazarus - The Salvation Poem Music Video Caiaphas And The High Council Caiaphas and the High Council plot to have Jesus killed. Lazarus Awakes From The Dead Lazarus comes forth from his grave, alive from the dead. Jesus Calls Lazarus Out Of His Grave Jesus calls Lazarus to come out of his grave. Jesus Goes Back To Judea Jesus decides to go back to Judea to see Lazarus. Messenger Tells Jesus That Lazarus Is Sick A messenger tells Jesus that Lazarus is sick. Martha Complains About Mary Martha complains to Jesus that Mary should be helping her. Confrontation At The Temple Jesus and his disciples are confronted at the temple. Nebuchadnezzar's Dream - The Salvation Poem The message of Christ's love set to scenes of "Nebuchadnezzar's Dream". Daniel Interprets Nebuchadnezzar's Dream With God’s help, Daniel interprets Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream. Daniel Will Interpret Dream Daniel tells Nebuchadnezzar that he will interpret his dream. Nebuchadnezzar Decrees To Kill All Nebuchadnezzar decrees to kill all of his wisemen. Nebuchadnezzar's Nightmare Nebuchadnezzar awakes from a horrible nightmare. King Solomon - The Salvation Poem Music Video King Solomon Settles Dispute King Solomon settles a dispute between two women. King Solomon Listens To Dispute King Solomon listens to a dispute between two women. King Solomon Asks For Wisdom King Solomon asks God for wisdom to rule his kingdom. King David Advises Solomon An elderly King David advises his son, Solomon. King Throws Feast At Elisha’s request, the King of Israel throws a feast. Elisha Leads the Syrians Elisha leads the Syrian army to the King of Israel. Elijah Departs Elisha Elijah departs Elisha and goes to heaven on a chariot of fire. Ax Head Found Elisha prays to find a sunken ax head. Syrians Struck Blind God strikes the Syrian army blind, so that they cannot attack Elisha. Elisha and the Syrians - The Salvation Poem The message of Christ's love. Syrians Find Out About Elisha The Syrian army finds out that Elisha hears their military plans. Nehemiah - The Salvation Poem The message of Christ's love set to "Nehemiah" Sanballat Tries To Intimidate Sanballat tries to intimidate Nehemiah and the workers on the wall. Sanballat Tobiah Question Nehemiah Sanballat and Tobiah question Nehemiah. Nehemiah Seeks Kings Blessing Nehemiah seeks King Artaxerxe’s permission and blessing. Nehemiah Says Celebrate Nehemiah encourages the people of Judah to celebrate. Nehemiah Hears Report Nehemiah hears from his brother about the destruction of Jerusalem. Nehemiah Confronts Shemaiah Nehemiah confronts Shemaiah against his plotting with Sanballat. Nehemiah Arms Workers Nehemiah arms the workers on the wall against the threat of attack. Accused Of Wanting To Be King Nehemiah is falsely accused of wanting to be King. David and Saul - The Salvation Poem The message of Christ's love for each of us set to scenes of the Superbook episode “David and Saul.” David Anointed King After the death of King Saul, David is anointed king of Israel. David Calms King Saul’s Torment David plays the kinnor to calm King Saul from his torment. King Saul Attacks David King Saul becomes jealous of David and attacks him. Samuel - The Salvation Poem Music Video. Prophetic Warning for Eli Samuel gives a prophetic warning for Eli’s Family. Story of Hannah Hannah cries out to God for a child. The Sons Take the Best Meat The sons of the Prophet Eli take best meat. Isaac and Rebekah - Salvation Poem Music Video. Burial Place Abraham talks of Sarah’s burial place at Machpelah. Abraham Sends Eliezer Abraham sends Eliezer to find Isaac a wife. Tower of Babel - The Salvation Poem Music Video. Preaching to Three Thousand Peter shares with the crowd to repent and be baptized. Confuse With Different Languages The Lord decides to confuse everyone at the Tower of Babel. Languages Changed Chaos ensues after the Lord changes everyone's languages at Babel. Holy Spirit Arrives Everyone is filled with the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost. Building A Tower The people of Shinar are building a great tower. The Good Samaritan - The Salvation Poem Music Video The Samaritan is the Neighbor They learn that the neighbor is the person who helps. Samaritan Helps Jewish Man A Samaritan man helps a Jewish man. Jesus Not Welcome in Samaritan Village Samaritans refuse to allow Jesus to stay in their village. Scribe Asks, "Who is My Neighbor?" A Scribe asks Jesus “Who is my neighbor?” Ruth - Salvation Poem Music Video Ruth Tells Naomi About Boaz Ruth tells Naomi about meeting Boaz. Naomi and Ruth Go To Bethlehem Naomi and Ruth retrn to Bethlehem. Naomi Directs Ruth Naomi directs Ruth to go meet Boaz at the threshing floor. Boaz Notices Ruth Boaz notices Ruth gleaning in his fields. Boaz Befriends Ruth Boaz befriends Ruth while she gleans from his field. Boaz Awakens to Ruth Boaz awakens to Ruth sleeping at his feet. Boaz Agrees to Marry Ruth Boaz buys Naomi’s property and agrees to marry Ruth. Naaman and the Servant Girl - The Salvation Poem "Naaman and the Servant Girl" music video. Naaman Thanks Elisha After being healed of leprosy, Naaman returns to thank Elisha. Naaman Healed of Leprosy Naaman is healed of leprosy after following Elisha's instructions. Naaman Gets Upset with Elisha Naaman is upset because Elisha didn't see him in person. Elisha Hears About Naaman Elisha's servant tells him about Naaman's visit to the king. The King of Israel Tears His Clothes The king of Israel tears his clothes in anger. Naaman Talks to His King Naaman asks his king if he can travel to visit Elisha. The Birth of John the Baptist - Salvation Poem "The Birth of John the Baptist" music video. His Name is John Zechariah and Elizabeth name their baby John. Elijah and the Prophets of Baal - Salvation Poem The Elijah Music Video. The Rain Returns The people of Israel repent and the skies begin to rain. Israel Repents The people of Israel repent and declare that the Lord is God after God incinerates the altar. Elijah Rebuilds the Altar Elijah rebuilds the altar and then has water poured over the altar. Elijah Taunts Prophets Elijah taunts the prophets of Baal. Elijah Lays Out His Challenge Elijah challenges the prophets of Baal on Mt. Carmel. Elijah Prays Elijah prays that God will turn the hearts of Israel. Elijah Challenges King Ahab Elijah challenges King Ahab to bring his prophets of Baal. Elijah Prophesies No Rain Elijah tells King Ahab and Jezebel that it will not rain. Building 429 Interview for Superbook Radio Building 429 Interview for Superbook Radio. Britt Nicole Interview for Superbook Radio Britt Nicole Interview for Superbook Radio. Third Day Share About the Bible Third Day share why spending time reading the Bible is important to their faith. The Afters Share About the Bible The Afters share why the Bible is important to them. Building 429 Share About the Bible Buidling 429 share why it's important to spend time in God's Word, the Bible. Britt Nicole Shares About the Bible Britt Nicole shares why reading the Bible is important. Britt Nicole's Favorite Bible Verse Britt Nicole shares about her favorite Bible verse, 1 Chronicles 28:20. Mandisa Sings "Stronger" Mandisa sings her song "Stronger" Jamie Grace Sings "Hold Me" Jamie Grace sings her hit song "Hold Me." Jamie Grace Interview and Song Jamie Grace shares about her life and sings her hit song "Hold Me." Chris Quilala Sings "Your Love Never Fails" Chris Quilala Sings "Your Love Never Fails." Chris Quilala Interview and Song Chris Quilala shares about worship and sings "Your Love Never Fails." Beckah Shae Interview Beckah Shae shares about her life and music. The Prodigal Son - Salvation Poem The message of Christ's love for each of us set to scenes from "The Prodigal Son." Prodigal and Pigs The prodigal son serves pigs. Prodigal Squanders The prodigal son squanders his inheritance. Prodigal Wants His Inheritance The prodigal son asks for his inheritance. Prodigal Returns The prodigal son returns home to his father. Older Brother Angry The older brother becomes angry because of the celebration. Lost Sheep Parable Jesus shares the parable of the Lost Sheep. Jesus Explains Parables Jesus explains why He teaches with parables. Job - The Salvation Poem The message of Christ's love for each of us set to scenes from "Job." Job Restored Job and his household are restored. Friends Ask for Forgiveness Job’s friends return to him and ask for forgiveness. My Redeemer Lives Job declares, "My redeemer lives." Job and Friends Job's friends say his problems are because of his sin. Struck with Boils Satan strikes Job’s body with boils. Job Sacrifices Despite the calamities, Job continues to worship and serve God. The Report of the Calamities Job and his wife receive the reports of the calamities. Sabean Raid and Fire Storm Job’s cattle are taken by Sabean raiders, and fire rains down. Gideon - The Salvation Poem The message of Christ's love for each of us set to scenes from "Gideon." The Lord Is with You The angel of the Lord tells Gideon to rescue Israel from the Midianites. Sneaking into the Camp Gideon and Purah sneak into the Midianite army's camp. The Lord Is Your Ruler After the Midianites' defeat, Gideon affirms the Lord as the ruler of Israel. Test of the Stream Gideon cuts the size of his army by watching how soldiers drink from a stream. Test of the Fleece Gideon shares how God affirmed His plans through a sheep's fleece. Midianites Defeated Gideon's army of 300 defeat the Midianites with God's help. Gideon Rallies the Troops Gideon prepares the troops to battle the Midianites. Gideon Brings a Meal Gideon brings a meal to the angel of the Lord, and it's consumed by fire. Frightened Soldiers Leave Gideon tells soldiers that are too frightened to fight to go back to their homes. Peter's Denial - The Salvation Poem The message of Christ's love for each of us set to scenes from "Peter's Denial." Thomas Believes After seeing Jesus resurrected, Thomas believes. Leaders Should Serve Jesus tells the disciples that leaders should be servants. John the Baptist - The Salvation Poem The message of Christ's love for each of us set to scenes of the Superbook episode "John the Baptist." The Least Person in the Kingdom Jesus says, in heaven, the least is greater than John. Are You the Messiah? John's disciples ask Jesus if He is the Messiah. He Must Increase, I Must Decrease John tells his disciples that Jesus is the Messiah. John Confronts Herod John tells Herod his marriage to Herodias is unlawful. Herod Agrees to Arrest John the Baptist Herodias persuades Herod to have John the Baptist arrested. Brood of Vipers John calls the religious leaders a brood of vipers. John Baptizes Jesus John baptizes Jesus, and the Holy Spirit descends on Jesus. John Prepares the Way John prepares the way for Jesus, the Messiah. The Dove Returns The dove returns with an olive leaf. The Rainbow Covenant God shares with Noah about His rainbow covenant. Noah and the Ark - The Salvation Poem The message of Christ's love set to "Noah and the Ark." The Flood Begins God closes the ark, and the flood begins. Enter the Ark God tells Noah to enter the ark. Noah Builds the Ark Noah and his family build the ark. Noah Hears from God Before flooding Earth, God tells Noah to build an ark. Iso ibodat qilmoqda Iso O‘z izdoshlarining xavfsizligi uchun ibodat qilmoqda. Rabbiy O‘zini Ochadi Rabbiy Isroil avlodlariga O‘zini ochib beradi. Doniyor Tirik Doniyor sherlar uyasida omon qoladi. Doniyor Uyada Doniyor sherlar uyasiga tashlanadi. Rivqo Hiylaga Undaydi Rivqo Yoqubga Esovning duosini Is’hoqdan o‘g‘irlashni aytadi. Rabbiy Ta’minlovchi Xudo kuydiriladigan qurbonlik uchun qo‘chqorni beradi. Taklif Is’hoq Ibrohimdan kuydiriladigan qurbonlik uchun qo‘ylar qayerdaligini so‘radi. O‘g‘lingni Olgin Rabbiy Ibrohimga o‘g‘lini Moriyoxga olib borishni buyuradi. Ibrohim Xudodan Eshitadi Rabbiy Ibrohimga Is’hoqqa tegmaslikni buyuradi. Luciferning Qulashi Lusifer yorug‘lik farishtasidan Shaytonga aylanadi. The Shipwreck The ship runs aground. Everyone jumps overboard. Publius' Father Is Healed Paul prays for the healing of Publius' father. New Decree for the Jews King Xerxes makes a decree to help the Jews. Haman Exposed Queen Esther exposes Haman's plans to King Xerxes. Esther: For Such a Time as This - The Salvation Poem Christ's message of love set to "Esther: For Such a Time as This." Esther Approaches the King Esther approaches King Xerxes. For Such a Time as This Esther is determined to speak to the king about Haman's decree. Esther Sends Hathach Esther sends Hathach to speak with Mordecai. Meet the Queen Esther shares with Joy how she became queen. Haman and the King Haman tricks the king into making a decree. Haman Plots to Kill the Jews They cast lots to seal Mordecai's fate. Rahab and Family Saved The Israelite spies deliver Rahab's family from death. The Walls of Jericho Fall The walls of Jericho fall. The Shout of Victory Joshua commands his troops to shout. The Commander of the Lord's Army Joshua meets the Commander of the Lord's Army. The Ark of the Covenant The kids learn about the Ark of the Covenant. The Sign for the Spies The spies tell Rahab to tie a red cord and hang it out her window. Rahab and the Walls of Jericho - The Salvation Poem The message of Christ's love set to "Rahab and the Walls of Jericho." Rahab Makes a Deal Rahab makes a deal with the Israelite spies to save her family. Rahab Hides Spies Rahab hides the Israelite spies just before the army arrives at her house. Meet Rahab Rahab talks about the Israelites with a guard in Jericho's army. Joshua Needs Spies The need for intel on Jericho helps him determine that he needs spies. Vahiy! - Najot qo‘shig‘i Har birimiz uchun Masihning sevgisi haqidagi xabar. Fiery Furnace - Salvation Poem The message of the love of Christ for each of us. They Don't Even Smell of Smoke The king declares that no person can say anything against their God. Fourth Person in the Furnace King Nebuchadnezzar sees a fourth person in the fire that looks like a god. "Cast Them into the Furnace!" Shadrach, Meschach, and Abednego are thrown into the fiery furnace. Nebuchadnezzar Rages The king commands Shadrach, Meschach, and Abednego to bow. Shadrach - "We will not bow!" Shadrach, Meschach and Abednego do not bow to the king's golden statue. Shadrach and Friends Stand Firm Shadrach, Meschach, and Abednego stand up to King Nebuchadnezzar. The Astrologers The king's astrologers threaten Shadrach, Meschach, and Abednego. Golden Image Shadrach, Meschach, and Abednego encourage one another not to bow. Hammasi Yangi Qiyomatdan so‘ng o‘lim ham, qayg‘u ham bo‘lmaydi. So‘nggi Jang - 3 qism Yuhanno Shayton va yovuzlik abadiy yo‘q qilinganini tushuntiradi So‘nggi Jang - 2 qism Iso Xar-Magido‘ndagi so‘nggi jangda Shaytonni mag‘lub etadi. So‘nggi Jang - 1 qism Shayton – Ilon, mavjud bo‘lgan hamma narsani yo‘q qilishga tahdid soladi. Taxt turadigan koshona Xudo va Qo‘zi-Isoning taxti – yer yuzida bo‘ladi. Shayton o‘z xizmatkorlarini kuzatadi Shayton o'z yordamchilarini so‘nggi jang - Xar-Magido‘nda yig‘adi! Yuhanno Tushuntiradi Yuhanno Vahiy Kitobidagi yozganlarini tushuntiradi. Osmonga Ko‘tarilish Osmonga ko‘tarilishidan oldin Iso shogirdlariga Muqaddas Ruh haqida gapirib beradi. Xudoning Ruhi - 2 qism Yuhanno Muqaddas Ruh har yerda hozir bo‘lib, yo‘l-yo‘riq ko‘rsatayotganini va maslahat berishini baham ko‘radi. Dunyoning Yaratilishi - Najot Qo‘shig‘i Masihning bizga bo‘lgan sevgisi haqidagi xabar "Dunyoning yaratilishi"dagi sahnalarda mavjud. To Watch This Episode Please sign in or register for a free Superbook account to watch full episodes, earn SuperPoints and win great prizes. SIGN IN REGISTER Episodes Available for Superbook Partners Only Superbook partners can watch full-length Superbook episodes online or on the free Superbook Kids Bible app.If you are already a Superbook partner, please log in. You may need to link your email address with your Superbook partner account. FIND OUT MORE PROFESSOR QUANTUM'S Q & A CONTRAPTION Farishtalar qayerdan paydo bo‘lgan? Click Here To Discover The Answer >>> What's New The Widows Mite - The Salvation Poem The Widow Gives Two Mites Jesus Prophecies About the Temple Bring Ten Percent Into the Storehouse Most Popular Videos Jabroil va Maryam Yusuf va Maryam Birinchi Mavlud - Najot qo‘shig‘i Maryam va Jabroil Most Popular Games All Games >> Nahang Baliq Kaptarni Uchirish Gizmoning Operatsiyasi Qo‘ng‘izlar