Elijah and the Widow

Elijah and the Widow
Episode: 408
Season: 4
Phoebe sends Chris out shopping for a list of items that she wants him to pick up at many different specialty shops. When Chris secretly decides he knows better and can get everything in a "one-stop-shop," Superbook whisks the kids away. They spend time with Elijah in Cherith's Ravine and travel with him to Zarephath. 1 Kings 17:9
Watch The Full EpisodeLesson:
Obey even if you don't understand the reason.
Character Profiles
Birds Deliver Food to Elijah
Birds Deliver Food to Elijah
Elijah Hears From the Lord
Elijah Asks Widow for Bread
Widow Makes Elijah Bread
Elijah Raises the Dead
Elijah and the Widow - Salvation Poem
Q & A
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