Paul and the Unknown God Part 2

Episode: 511

Season: 5

Superbook takes Chris, Joy and Gizmo—plus QBIT, a droid—to meet the Apostle Paul as he travels from Athens to Corinth. Discover how God reveals Himself through creation in the grand finale of this two-part adventure. The children learn to share how they know that God is real! Acts 18

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We must be willing to defend God's truth by being a light in a dark world.


  • Character Profiles

  • Videos

    Paul Meets Aquila and Priscilla

    • Paul Meets Aquila and Priscilla
    • Chris and Joy Make a Presentation
    • Paul and the Unknown God - The Salvation Poem
  • Q & A

    • How can I defend God's truth and at the same time be the light of Jesus in this world?

    • Is there any excuse someone can have for not knowing God?

    • How can I win someone's trust so that I may freely share the Gospel with them?

    • How can I know God's truth to make wise choices?

    • Does true wisdom come from God or the world?