The Promise of a Child

Episode: 513

Season: 5

Chris has writer's block while trying to come up with a new Christmas song for the youth group's Christmas service. He needs inspiration like writers of Christmas hymns in the past. Superbook whisks our heroes away to witness Bible stories they have experienced on previous Superbook trips like the Garden of Eden, Abraham and Sarah, Moses' birth and leading God's people from Egypt, Ruth and Boaz and David and Goliath. Finally, the kids watch as Mary is told by the Angel Gabriel that she will give birth to the Son of God. With that, Chris, Joy and Gizmo are whisked home and Chris has his inspiration for his new song - "The Promise of a Child." Genesis 3:15

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God's plan for our salvation.


  • Character Profiles

  • Videos

    Revisiting Eden

    • Revisiting Eden
    • From Abraham to David
    • David Versus Goliath Revisited
    • Mary And Gabriel Revisited
    • The Promise Of A Child Performed
    • The Promise Of A Child - The Salvation Poem
  • Q & A

    • Did sin forever destroy God's dream for the world and His people?

    • Because sin entered the world, do we need to fear death?

    • Will God fulfill all of His promises today?

    • Does Satan always appear in the same form so that I can be ready for his tricks and temptations?

    • Does God still inspire us with creativity and ideas?